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Announcing Our Contentstack Integration to Expand Our Composable Experiences Offering

Esat Artug
Esat Artug
July 4, 2023 · 6 min read
Announcing Our Contentstack Integration to Expand Our Composable Experiences Offering

Headless content management systems (CMS) have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their flexibility, scalability, and ability to deliver content across multiple channels. However, the composable nature of headless content has presented challenges in implementation and ease of use.

That’s why we are pleased to announce our partnership and integration with Contentstack, the leading enterprise composable content platform.

Personalization and Experimentation Don’t Need to Be Difficult Anymore

Historically, personalization and experimentation solutions have been difficult to work with in headless stacks, requiring a lot of development effort to implement effectively. This is where Ninetailed comes in - their easily integrated personalization and testing solution allows content authors to build more compelling experiences without the need for extensive development work.

Contentstack is the leading enterprise headless content management system provider, delivering content faster and more efficiently across multiple channels. Their CMS platform enables developers to deliver a consistent experience across all channels and provides marketers with an intuitive interface for managing content.

Together, Ninetailed and Contentstack provide discrete, purpose-built solutions to marketing organizations across many verticals. This partnership delivers a complete solution that meets the needs of modern marketing initiatives, providing powerful developer tooling and easy-to-use marketing tools.

The integration between Ninetailed and Contentstack allows marketing teams to leverage the power of both platforms to create personalized experiences at scale. With the ease of use of Ninetailed's personalization and testing solution and the powerful developer tooling of Contentstack's CMS platform, marketing teams can deliver personalized experiences more efficiently than ever before.

What Contentstack Ninetailed Integration Brings to the Table

A great way to incorporate composable experiences into your workflow is with Ninetailed and Contentstack.

With Ninetailed’s powerful capabilities integrated into the Contentstack, marketing teams can easily create A/B tests and deliver personalized content experiences at scale, using a flexible, composable architecture that doesn’t sacrifice performance.

Teams can now see how changes in copy or design impact customer engagement and conversion rates.

Create Better Experiences That Drive Revenue

Personalization and A/B testing drive revenue by providing better customer experiences.

With personalization, Contentstack users cater to their customer's unique preferences and needs, leading to more successful interactions. Moreover, A/B testing allows these users to compare two different versions of content to see which one performs better.

By analyzing customers' behavior and engagement rates, Contentstack users can make data-driven decisions to improve the overall customer experience. By creating personalized and well-optimized content, organizations can drive revenue and foster loyalty among their customers.

→ Check out how Ruggable increased its conversions by 25% with personalization, and Ace & Tate saw an 87% uplift in its CTRs with an A/B test for the main navigation

Reduce Complexity in Your Workflow

According to the 2023 State of SaaSOps report, organizations now use more than 130 apps, on average — 18% higher than the year before.

Using more tools and tech stack doesn’t just create data and organizational silos but also creates workflow silos.

While the situation is like this, it’s more important than ever to keep workflows simple and cut down on complexity — in the end, the simplest tech stack is the best stack.

With Ninetailed integrated with Contentstack, you’ll have everything related to experimentation and personalization within the Contentstack workflow. Therefore:

  • no need to learn a new tool

  • no need to switch to another tab

  • no need to create a new workflow

  • no need to create new data or organizational silos

By simplifying processes and eliminating unnecessary steps, you can also increase your testing velocity and run more experiences and experiments in less time.

Higher testing velocity means more data points and a better understanding of what works and what doesn't. This knowledge can be used to make smarter decisions that ultimately lead to higher conversions. Overall, by reducing the complexity, you can create a more efficient process that ultimately leads to better business conversions.

Enjoy the Flexibility of Adding New Data Sources and Destinations

Ninetailed is composable — just like Contentstack — which means that it’s easy to connect with other solutions and modern tech stacks. This is important for website optimization because it allows you to quickly add new features and functionality to your site without having to rebuild it from scratch.

With this composable approach, you can add any data source and destination without any performance trade-offs. For example, Ninetailed makes it easy to connect with your customer data sources and analytics tools to get insights into your A/B testing and personalization results.

Our connections with data sources and analytics solutions are designed to give you the most insights into your results. You can see how your experience campaigns are performing, what variations are winning, and what changes you need to make to improve your results.

Run Your Experiences without Sacrificing Performance

One of the most important aspects of running an A/B testing or a personalization campaign is ensuring that your site or app remains fast and responsive for all visitors during the experiment process. Without this speed and responsiveness, you risk skewing your results by driving away potential customers who are frustrated with slow load times.

At Ninetailed, we understand the importance of performance in A/B testing campaigns, which is why we’ve built our Contentstack integration that makes it easy to run, manage, and measure these types of tests and personalization at scale without sacrificing speed or functionality. With our edge-side delivery capabilities, you can be confident that your visitors will have a smooth, fast experience even while you’re testing and tweaking different variables in your campaigns.

Ready to Discover How Ninetailed Works with Contentstack?

The partnership between Ninetailed and Contentstack represents an important step forward in delivering best-in-class headless content solutions. The composable nature of headless content has historically presented challenges in implementation and ease of use, but with the integration of these two leading solutions, marketing teams can now deliver personalized experiences at scale with greater ease and efficiency.

The partnership between Ninetailed and Contentstack provides a modern, best-in-class solution for headless content, overcoming the historical challenges of composable headless content. With the ease of use of Ninetailed's personalization and testing solution and the powerful developer tooling of Contentstack's CMS platform, marketing teams can deliver personalized experiences at scale with greater ease and efficiency.

Want to Learn More About Personalization and A/B Testing?

Get in touch to learn how Ninetailed personalization, experimentation, and insights works inside your CMS

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